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2024 Eswatini National Championship Open Section

Senast uppdaterad28.04.2024 18:00:04, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

Lista över spelare

1Hlophe, Smilo20700245SWZ1838
2Sihlongonyane, Sikhanyiso20700784SWZ1800
3Mabuza, Mbongeni20700113SWZ1772
4Nxumalo, Vuyo20700253SWZ1756
5Malinga, Lunga20701675SWZ1748
6Dlamini, Simphiwe20701217SWZ1701
7Matsebula, Qiniso20700393SWZ1641
8Mtsetfwa, Philani20701730SWZ1628
9Mziyako, Sobhi20700059SWZ1576
10Molapo, Thabang20702442SWZ1531