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Windhoek Based Chess League. Proudly sponsored by Bank Windhoek.

2024 Bank Windhoek Junior Chess League (JCL)

Last update 14.10.2024 22:30:47, Creator: Namibia Chess-Federation,Last Upload: NitzbornMB

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Ranking crosstable (Pts.)

Rk.Team1234567891011121314151617181920 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Windhoek Afrikaanse Private Skool * 443344444433443343664,5531
2ZCA Mini Giants0 * 341343442444443343158393,5
3MCA Thunder Knights01 * 4334432234244443154,5380,3
4ZCA Pawn Storms100 * 03233233434442844309,5
5MCA Mighty Pawns13½½ * 102234143444422243214,3
6The Rubies Chess Club01143 * 14332043342241263,3
7Affies Chess Club001141 * 230314443442139217
8Royal Submarines CC01012½2 * 414342443202037,5223,5
9WCPS Checkmate Champs000110 * 4423123441935196
10RCA Development Team00112330 * 0223424441935185,5
11St. Pauls Primary School00000004 * 0243431441829127,5
12Royal Rooks CC1200111222 * 2½024341630132,8
13WCPS Pawn Promoters0023110½102 * 1444441531,5128,8
14Windhoek Gymnasium Primary School000102011103 * 12411020,591
15St. George's Pawns00004003043 * 1916,5130,3
16Waka International PS000000000001 * 3257,515,3
17Amazing Kids Chess Club00010100200020 * 14731,8
18Holy Cross Primary School Pawns000001100000 * 225,50
19Windhoek International Pawns10000002000100 * 2437,5
20DHPS Chess Club00000000000000 * 000

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (with real points)