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Eliminatorias Municipales Boaco-intermedio Femenino

Last update 15.04.2024 23:50:40, Creator/Last Upload: Carlos Maury Escalante

Starting rank list of players

1Cubas Cerda, Nahomy Nazareth6111092NCA1567Jordan
2Balmaceda, Mia MelissaNCA0San Vicente
3Campos, Tania IsabelaNCA0Inpb
4Cubas Arias, Fergie TatianaNCA0Inpb
5Escobar, Rosa MariaNCA0San Vicente
6Gonzales Soza, LismarlingNCA0Inpb
7Moreno Rocha, Nicole MarietNCA0San Vicente
8Sanchez, Yurielka LuciaNCA0Inpb
9Sandoval Matus, Priscila MariamNCA0Jordan