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Eligible for all juniors born after 31st of August 2015UK Chess Challenge Scotland West Megafinal U8 Վերջին արդիացում25.04.2024 22:34:43, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | Rtg | Տիպ |
1 | | Al Dakl Alla, Maria | 0 | U8G |
2 | | Cobb, Cormac | 0 | U7B |
3 | | Gaikwad, Reina | 0 | U8G |
4 | | Ganesh, Krishiv | 0 | U8B |
5 | | Louden, Tavish | 0 | U7B |
6 | | Nathan, Prithvi | 0 | U7B |
7 | | Prabaharan, Yahavi | 0 | U8G |
8 | | Prakash, Dhairya | 0 | U8B |
9 | | Sathiyamoorthy, Magizhan | 0 | U8B |
10 | | Sharan, Samarth | 0 | U8B |
11 | | Shopynskyi, Vladyslav | 0 | U6B |
12 | | Wallden, Antoinetta | 0 | U7G |
13 | | Warrilow Silcock, Edmund | 0 | U8B |
14 | | Xu, Aiden | 0 | U6B |
15 | | Xu, Jaydon | 0 | U8B |
16 | | Yuan, Alice | 0 | U7G |