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Eligible for all juniors born after 31st of August 2013

UK Chess Challenge Scotland West Megafinal U10

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony25.04.2024 22:33:57, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Lista startowa

1Railwani, Tavish1370U10B
2Prakash, Sumanth1320U10B
3Al Ani, Laith0U10B
4Anand, Rohan0U9B
5Bhaduri, Atrasnu0U10B
6Desai, Aditya0U10B
7Gong, Ray0U10B
8Gorash, Lidia0U9G
9Houston, Nicky0U10B
10Huang, Yushu0U9B
11Lee, Oliver0U10B
12Loh, Joe0U10B
13Mailer, Ethan0U9B
14Malhotra, Yuvaan0U10B
15McAllister, Aria0U10G
16Nathan, Yadhev0U9B
17Orpen, Euan0U10B
18Parasur, Hrihaan0U9B
19Porter, Reece0U10B
20Ramprasad, Aaradhya0U10G
21Seran, Kavan0U10B
22Sharma Nath, Shaurya0U10
23Shopynskyi, Mykola0U9B
24Singh, Aayansh0U9B
25Uegaki, Haruo0U9B
26Vadalia, Vihaa0U10G
27Yu, Andrew0U9B