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Last update 15.04.2024 14:34:10, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1Hector, Pinheiro BatistaBRA1895UFBA
2Antonio, Elias GoesBRA1800UESB
3Calos, Vinicius Pereira RamoBRA1800UFRB
4Giovanna, Nascimento Cordeiro RochaBRA1800UFBA
5Guilherme, Das Neves BritoBRA1800UESB
6Gustavo, Santos GamaBRA1800UESB
7Heitor, Gomes Lima SantosBRA1800BA
8Layla, Andrade de AlmeidaBRA1800UNEX
9Leonardo, Golcalves GonzagaBRA1800UFBA
10Luana, LimaBRA1800UFRB
11Marcio, Santos de JesusBRA1800UNEX
12Nathan, Kayo Souza LimaBRA1800UNEX
13Neivesom, Santos TeixeiraBRA1800UNEX
14Rayane, BotelhoBRA1800UESB
15Taisson, Silva LarcedaBRA1800UFRB
16Victor, Vinny Brito SilvaBRA1800UFRB
17Wagner, Pereira SoaresBRA1800UESB
18Emanuel, Marlos Neiva De CarvalhoBRA0BA