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Torneo de Ajedrez "La Séptima Flecha" Sub14

Last update 15.04.2024 03:55:51, Creator/Last Upload: Armando González

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Starting rank

1Castro, Lopez Jesus DemianMEX1615Sonora
2Camacho Marquez, Camila IvetteMEX0
3Camarena Martinez, KimbraMEX0
4Camargo Enrique, Luis IgnacioMEX0
5Chavez Polco, Edgar AlexisMEX0
6Dominguez Hernandez, Evelin RemediosMEX0
7Felix Diaz, Fanel EmmanuelMEX0
8Gaitan, CarlosMEX0
9Gomez Rodriguez, Cristian EmmanuelMEX0
10Lazaro, BenemerMEX0
11Morales Velasco, SebastianMEX0
12Quiroz Gonzales, Carlos YandelMEX0
13Romero Ornelas, NicolasMEX0
14Rosales, DarielMEX0
15Trujillo Gutierrez, Jose AlejandroMEX0