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بطولة نادي الاتحاد 1 SALALAH CHESS ACADEMY

Posledná aktualizácia 21.04.2024 11:03:16, Creator/Last Upload: Oman Chess Committee

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Štartová listina

1CMSalim Issa, Ali Shamas22000062OMA1976
2FMAl Mashikhi, Salim Aliyan22000046OMA1963
3CMElobeid, Asim Ali12200190SUD1947
4Al Kathiri, Mana22006648OMA1905
5Al Masheki, Abdislam22001921OMA1881
6Musallam, Salim Al Aamri22000399OMA1868
7Shimas, Said Issa22001816OMA1767
8Al Mashli, Thabit22000950OMA1764
9Shamas, Salim Ahmed22000240OMA1764
10Al Kathiri, Hassan22000429OMA1753
11Bait Said, Salim Ahmed22002227OMA1682
12Bait Said, Ali22002197OMA1667
13Merin, Shibu429090652IND1665
14Arutchelvan, Egan48724327IND1622
15Jeswin, Mulakamppully48784990IND1600
16Dhayanesh, V88150518IND1513
17Hemank, Padhy48780170IND1499
18priyansu, patro429090695IND0