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Orjan Lindroth Memorial 2024 - Open Section

Senast uppdaterad12.06.2024 03:47:45, Creator/Last Upload: andrewhite

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1GMAlmeida Quintana, Omar3503313CUB2518
2GMMiranda Mesa, Elier3510697CUB2511
3GMBalakrishnan, Praveen2064871USA2510
4IMPanjwani, Raja2604493CAN2452
5FMIvanov, Mike2613158CAN2363
6GMSevillano, Enrico5200156USA2323
7FMChristie, Joshua7402074JAM2272
8FMSmith, Shreyas7400713JAM2258
9FMMelekhina, Alisa2022613USA2198
10FMLorne, Ras Malaku7400330JAM2090
11CMBrown, Akeem7402023JAM2025
12CMHinds, Nathan7400730JAM1980
13Mcdonald, Jhustice-Dimonte7402481JAM1902
14AIMHarriott, Tyrell2086484USA1901
15Cox, Valentine10400095BAH1888
16CMKnowles, Kendrick10400451BAH1874
17CMSmall, Byron10400044BAH1853
18FMMoncur, Cecil10400583BAH1852
19CMAlbury, Noah10401130BAH1740
20Whyms, Chappell10400125BAH1726