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Orjan Lindroth Memorial 2024 - U1800 Section

Last update 12.06.2024 03:49:37, Creator/Last Upload: andrewhite

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Starting rank

1Mcdonald, Angelus-Seren7402597JAM1774
2Pride, Avian10401202BAH1771
3Murdock, Christopher7403216JAM1768
4Johnson, Remone7404581JAM1746
5WCMJohnson, Daijah10400591BAH1684
6Joseph, Marfeeyou10400893BAH1678
7Pride, Curtis10401199BAH1664
8Skinner, Francis10400796BAH1657
9Pride, Chika10401601BAH1521
10Berry, Zayne10402233BAH0
11Bethel, Azaria10402080BAH0
12Charlton, Valentino10402209BAH0
13Hawkins, Barrington10402225BAH0
14Hepburn, Liam10402179BAH0
15Knowles, Michael10402250BAH0
16Lalwani, Darsh10401849BAH0
17Pinder, Gerard10402241BAH0
18Rolle, Danica10402012BAH0
19Trotman, James10402144BAH0
20Turnquest, Caerwyn10401881BAH0
21Umesh, Sohan10402160BAH0
22Williams, Diana10400982BAH0