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Interclubs Bruxellois Rapides 2024

De pagina werd het laatst gewijzigd op15.04.2024 16:23:00, Creator/Last Upload: stegan

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Rk.SNoTeamPartijen  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
11Europchess 176101322,51128
23Cercle des échechs de Watermael-Boitsfort 176101322,51116,5
34CREB Bruxelles 1750210190121
49Le Pantin 1742110170111,5
55The Belgian Chess Club 174129200115,5
610Les 2 Fous du Diogène 27412917,50114,5
78Brussels Chess Club 174129160117
821Europchess 47412915,5094,5
92Les 2 Fous du Diogène 173228180111
107Europchess 274038170113,5
1115Le Pantin 273228160105
1220Le Pantin 67322815098,5
1325Brussels Chess Club 27403815093,5
146CREB Bruxelles 27322814,52115,5
1517CREB Bruxelles 47322814,5097,5
1613Europchess 373228140105,5
1727Le Pantin 97232715,5091
1816Le Pantin 47313713,50103
1918Brussels Chess Club 37232713,5093
2012Les 2 Fous du Diogène 373137130101,5
2114Cercle des échechs de Watermael-Boitsfort 272327130100,5
2224Les 2 Fous du Diogène 47313712,5090
2328The Belgian Chess Club 37313710092
2423Le Pantin 37223614,5091
2526Caissa Woluwé 17304614,5090,5
2619The Belgian Chess Club 27223612097
2733Le Pantin 77142612097
2830Caissa Woluwé 27214512086
2929Europchess 57214512085
3036The Belgian Chess Club 47214512083
3138CREB Bruxelles 67214512076,5
3211CREB Bruxelles 37133511,5099
3322Le Pantin 57214510,50103
3434Les 2 Fous du Diogène 57214510081
3532Le Pantin 8721459080,5
3637Brussels Chess Club 4711539073,5
3735Les 2 Fous du Diogène 6711538076
3831CREB Bruxelles 5701618075,5

Wtg1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Wtg2: points (game-points)
Wtg3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints
Wtg4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents)