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Open Rapid Oostkamp-Brugge - ronde 3

Posledná aktualizácia 13.04.2024 11:24:24, Creator/Last Upload: West Flanders Chess Federation License 3

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Štartová listina

1Brendonck, Hans291684V2068
2Piceu, Kurt219843V2031
3Larsen, Harald205680V1986
4Piceu, Jarid241911V1972
5Boydens, Wim237566V1879
6Roose, Casimir248231V1852
7Kleppe, Emiel289760V1850
8Wydaeghe, Peter232238V1839
9Gellinck, Simon252921V1803
10Vermeersch, Siebe292150V1800
11De Block, Jasper282456V1765
12Cattrysse, Ruben273252V1719
13De Ketelaere, Raphael275921V1692
14De Meyere, Dirk214523V1660
15Deruwe, AndresV1644
16Van De Voorde, JarneV1600
17Ramon, Joeri265446V1576
18Behki Budaev, SorkhogtaniBEL1550
19Oyunchimeg, Baagi270466V1550
20Meulemeester, Joran286729V1490
21Vandendorpe, RogerV1490
22Titeca, LouisBEL1400