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2024 HSCC qualifiers Butha Buthe

De pagina werd het laatst gewijzigd op12.04.2024 14:23:30, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Lesotho

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Rk.SNoTeamPartijen  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
119Soofia IS A541024,550
218Sesio HS A54102350
31Botha-Buthe HS A53112140
43Butha-Buthe Community HS A53111940
516Seiso HS B53111840
62Botha-Buthe HS B52211830
78Likileng HS B53021730
817Sesio HS C521216,530
920St. Cyprian's A520316,520
1013Qalo H.S A53021630
1110Potter's Wisdom EMS A53021630
127Likileng HS A520315,520
134Butha-Buthe Community HS B53021530
149Likileng HS C52031520
1511Potter's Wisdom EMS B520314,520
1623St. Paul HS A521213,530
175Butha-Buthe Community HS C52121330
186Butha-Buthe HS C51221320
1915Qalo HS C52031220
2024St. Paul HS B512211,520
2121St. Cyprian's B52031120
2214Qalo H.S B51139,520
2312Potter's Wisdom EMS C5014710
2422St. Cyprian's C5005300

Wtg1: points (game-points)
Wtg2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Wtg3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints