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The 12th LSH

Senast uppdaterad14.04.2024 10:58:10, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1KIM, Kwansoo13219529KOR1677
2JANG, Junyoung13215930KOR1643
3YOUN, Hyeongjun13208918KOR1603
4JANG, Seojun13216520KOR1587
5GIM, Hajin13217267KOR1582
6HONG, Jueun13212702KOR1577
7KIM, Junesun31001661GUM1570
8CHOI, Hyunbin13211382KOR1563
9LEE, Jonghyun13212435KOR1529
10JANG, Seungwoo13218875KOR1504
11JANG, Yunseo13216538KOR1459
12KWON, Yugyeom13206907KOR1446
13CLIFTON, Alexander J39908690USA1436
14CHUNG, Yeseo13223178KOR0
15HAN, Yongsu13225308KOR0
16LEE, Chanyul13224344KOR0
17LEE, Haedeun13223186KOR0
18LEE, Rogyeom13213270KOR0
19LIM, Hyul13218000KOR0
20PARK, Jihyuk13224476KOR0
21RYU, Taehoon13226215KOR0