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Final Nacional Selectivo a la Olimpiada Budapest 2024 Femenino

Last update 22.04.2024 01:04:16, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

4WIMArgote Heredia, Valentina4431022VAL2183Carlos Cuartas Cali
3WIMRivera, Ingris4402472BOL2142Soy Talento
1WIMChirivi C, Jenny Astrid4403061ANT2113Paul Keres
2WIMMoncada Correa, Sara4460642ANT2013Los Titanes
12WIMHernandez Fonseca, Maria Paula4407920RIS1995Gm Alder Escobar
8WFMPachon Gutierrez, Adriana Paola4400690CUN1995Shabaku
10WFMMogollon Tobar, Nicolle Julieth4452194VAL1950Botvinnik Palmira
7WFMMunoz Monroy, Cinthya Carolin4407482ANT1950Itagui
5WCMLopez Rayo, Isabella4452755VAL1945Carlos Cuartas Cali
6WIMMateus, Martha4401549VAL1932Ricaly
11Brito Carrascal, Isabela4456122BOL1893Soy Talento
9Bonilla Barreiro, Maria Jose4472659VAL1748Ricaly