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Torneio do Clube de Saj

Last update 09.04.2024 02:06:31, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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1Heitor, Costa OliveiraBRA2005BA
2Arthur, Silas Borges De Sousa44706952BRA1984BA
3Theo, De Oliveira SouzaBRA1970BA
4Malu, Andrade De Assis PassosBRA1849BA
5Guilherme, Augusto Ferreira BarbosaBRA1831BA
6Jose, Leandro Fonseca SantosBRA1805BA
7Guilherme, AntônioBRA1800BA
8Gustavo, dos Santos da SilvaBRA1800BA
9Lucas, DiasBRA1800BA
10Matheus, BispoBRA1800BA
11Gustavo, Oliveira SilvaBRA1790BA
12Pedro, Antonio De Assis AndradeBRA1761BA
13Heitor, Santos BrasilBRA1759BA
14Luiz, Roque Santos De Jesus FilhoBRA1749BA
15Dhulya, Alves De SouzaBRA1748BA
16Gabriely, Alves SilvaBRA1734BA