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Torneio Alusivo a 7 de Abril sub18

Last update 10.04.2024 11:54:22, Creator/Last Upload: Mosambique Chess-Federation

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Starting rank list

1Amed, Amad HamoudaMOZ0
2Amed, Sheima HamoudaMOZ0
3Arvind, Milan DharmeshMOZ0
4Botao, AlineMOZ0
6Fernandes, SteynMOZ0
7Junior, Jochua SitoeMOZ0
8Junior, Tomas VascoMOZ0
9Junior, VictorMOZ0
10Patricio, EdmilsonMOZ0
11Mulimo, Keya KimayaMOZ0
13Yohannan, RishabhMOZ0
14Yussre, MuhammadMOZ0
15Zacarias, Sebastiao AlmeidaMOZ0