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Venue: St. Nicholas College, Dingli,+Secondary+School+-+Dingli/@35.871199,14.3875211,17z
Registration opens 8:30am. Tournament starts at 9am.

Malta Chess Interschools 2024

Darrera actualització13.04.2024 21:02:13, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Malta Chess Federation

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Classificació final després de 6 rondes

OrdreNúm. Ini.EquipPartides  +   =   -  Des1  Des2  Des3 
13De La Salle College King's Army65101114,50
237St. Martin's College651011140
32St. Michael School Magnus650110140
41Seminary School 165011013,50
55St. Elias College Magnus650110130
618St. Michael School Kasparov6411911,50
77St. Nicholas Mid School Rabat 164028120
11MRC Lily of the Valley Sec School Hammy64028120
94St. Edward's College6402811,50
1038St. Michael School Karpov64028110
119Zejtun Mid&Sec School The King's Dream64028100
10Verdala International School 264028100
14St. Albert the Great College Alberts54018100
1428San Anton School Antonians540189,50
29Seminary School 2640289,50
1620De La Salle College Marching Knights6402892
178St. Theresa Secondary 16402890
1843St. Nicholas College Sec Dingli Rook and Roll6312790
1922MRC Lily of the Valley Sec School United Irel63036110
2012National Sport School63036100
15Handaq Mid School 163036100
46St. Theresa Secondary 263036100
236San Anton School Knights530269,50
2417Malta Visual and Performing Arts Master Mate6303690
25Sacred Heart College Knights6303690
2616St. Nicholas College Sec Dingli Board Brains630368,50
2732St. Elias College Kasparov Cast6303680
33St. Elias College Polgar Pulverisers6303680
2924QSI International School YK630367,50
3047St. Thomas More Tarxien Middle Checkmate5203660
50Verdala International School 35203660
3251Zejtun Mid&Sec School The Knight's Nightmare520364,50
3345St. Nicholas Mid School Rabat 3621357,52
3436St. Margret College Bormla Mid 3621357,50
3513QSI International School Falcons62044100
30Seminary School 362044100
3723QSI International School Friends6204490
26Sacred Heart College Queens6204490
34St. Margret College Bormla Mid 16204490
4049Verdala International School 16204480
4121Handaq Mid School 26204470
27Sacred Heart College Warriors6204470
4331St. Albert the Great College Dominics5203460
4435St. Margret College Bormla Mid 26204452
4548St. Thomas More Tarxien Middle Pawns5104450
4644St. Nicholas Mid School Rabat 25104430
4719De La Salle College Endgame Warriors6105260
4841St. Monica School Gzira 36024250
4940St. Monica School Gzira 2610524,50
5042St. Nicholas College Sec Dingli Knight Owls6105230
5139St. Monica School Gzira 1500522,50

Desempat1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Desempat2: points (game-points)
Desempat3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints