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FSCT 16th Group A Four Seasons Chess Tournaments

Seinast dagført23.04.2024 23:33:13, Creator/Last Upload: Ahmed-Sharata

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

7FMElarabi, Abobker Mohamed9200355LBA2287
1Zenhom, Talaat10621997EGY2284
8Madi, Emad9200819LBA2080
9Attalib, Osama A.9206485LBA2021
5Taher, Rami9200509LBA1986
3Aldrsi, Reda Saleh9211020LBA1951
10CMMahdia, Farage9200339LBA1902
2Shuaib, Faris9202692LBA1888
6Arafa, Koni Mohamed9218033LBA1783
4Altounsi, Abdulwarith Ali9214500LBA1734