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Torneo Blitz "El Rincón de las Letras"

Last update 07.04.2024 02:26:20, Creator/Last Upload: JAGCARMONA

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Starting rank

1FMGutierrez Carmona, Juan Alejandro5106770MEX2122Queretaro
2Landa Carrillo, Oliver ArielMEX1685
3Landa Carrillo, Adriel5197970MEX1673Guerrero
4Rey Serrata, Daniela Alejandra5196469MEX1544Veracruz
5Garcia, Millan LeonardoMEX1438
6Garcia, Millan Miguel AngelMEX1400
7Rodriguez, Velez JosueMEX1400
8Diaz, Oscar EduardoMEX0
9Gomez Juarez, EnriqueMEX0
10Gomez Juarez, SergioMEX0
11Juarez Padilla, FernandoMEX0