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Cayman Chess Classic 2024 - Open

Վերջին արդիացում07.05.2024 01:08:10, Creator/Last Upload: andrewhite

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1GMChristiansen, Johan-Sebastian1512668NOR2651
2GMTari, Aryan1510045NOR2634
3GMBudisavljevic, Luka960047SRB2476
4GMRodriguez Vila, Andres3000010URU2417
5IMSong, Michael2613190CAN2399
6IMWilliams, Justus2049929USA2350
7CMBrown, Akeem7402023JAM2015
8White, Chris449270ENG1902
9AIMHarriott, Tyrell2086484USA1884
10Eisenhauer, Stephen75001861USA1869
11Kudakwashe, Chinake33100179CAY1864
12Mcdonald, Mike2635682CAY1863
13Shaw, Matthew Ian33100284CAY1845
14Shaw, Clifford33100101CAY1766
15Tracey, Shaun M419052CAY1758
16CMYoung, Christopher33100039CAY1757