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2024 Metropolitan National Chess Championships Final- Open Section

Last update 21.04.2024 10:24:01, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

1IMOatlhotse, Providence11300507BOT2219
7Notha, Moakofi11300710BOT2005
8CMMosutha, Thuso11302550BOT1974
2Monnaatsheko, Keletshabile11302941BOT1970
4Sebetlela, Gaasite11318716BOT1910
9Simon, Bokamoso11301546BOT1896
6Kobe, Gofaone11313242BOT1889
10Phenyo, Israel11319615BOT1876
3Selogelo, Othata11313870BOT1875
5Kitso, Innocent Kgosietsile11313226BOT1828