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April 6 Rapid Վերջին արդիացում07.04.2024 08:18:40, Creator/Last Upload: Guam Echecs
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | RtgI | սեռ |
1 | CM | Prudente, Elmer | 31000690 | GUM | 1978 | |
2 | | Cedeno, Antonio | 31000240 | GUM | 1849 | |
3 | | Briones, Danilo | 31000320 | GUM | 1828 | |
4 | | Buccat, Benchly Cabanayan | 30909341 | GUM | 1799 | |
5 | | Santos, Almer | 31000398 | GUM | 1785 | |
6 | | Combs, Daniel | 31000703 | GUM | 1719 | |
7 | | Combs, Noah | 31000711 | GUM | 1674 | |
8 | | Espinoza, Mario | 31000681 | GUM | 1640 | |
9 | | Combs, Esther | 31001599 | GUM | 1417 | w |
10 | | Barotilla, Joseph | 31004601 | GUM | 0 | |
11 | | Combs, Mylen | 31001157 | GUM | 1517 | |
12 | | Lopatyuk, Leo | 31003753 | GUM | 0 | |
13 | | Ramos, Edgardo | 31004725 | GUM | 1676 | |
14 | | Uherhewar, James Rivera | 31004300 | GUM | 0 | |