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Șah în școală - Ungheni - gimnaziu

Վերջին արդիացում06.04.2024 11:18:47, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 36)

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Burunciuc, ChirilMDA0
2Besliu, CristianMDA0
3Beșliu, NicolaeMDA0
4Carnovschi, MateiMDA0
5Cigoreanu, MihaiMDA0
6Crudu, DavidMDA0
7Goian, DorinMDA0
8Grebeniuc, AlexandraMDA0
9Lasii, ArtiomMDA0
10Mihailov, MariusMDA0
11Petrov, DanielMDA0
12Popov, CristianMDA0
13Pricop, AlexandruMDA0
14Primacenco, DănilăMDA0
15Brinister, VeniaminMDA0
16Rotaru, ValeriaMDA0
17Serioghin, IvanMDA0
18Cataraga, VladMDA0
19Timotin, ChirilMDA0
20Usurelu, NicoletaMDA0