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I Grand Prix Wieliczki - Turniej 9 Վերջին արդիացում09.05.2024 20:10:14, Creator/Last Upload: Tomasz Kinas
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
2 | | Gawronski, Lukasz | 1107852 | POL | 1895 |
7 | | Wnuk, Piotr | 21824533 | POL | 1826 |
4 | | Firsov, Stepan | 14114763 | UKR | 1798 |
11 | | Jamrozik, Maciej | 21034320 | POL | 1783 |
1 | | Chmiel, Krzysztof | 21067546 | POL | 1657 |
6 | | Kuta, Krzysztof | 1137077 | POL | 1652 |
8 | | Dziuba, Michal | 91103665 | POL | 1650 |
9 | | Debowska, Olga | 41833716 | POL | 1618 |
12 | | Wrona, Jaroslaw | 21814406 | POL | 1557 |
3 | | Debowski, Jakub | 91115256 | POL | 1478 |
10 | | Januszewski, Pawel | 41873327 | POL | 1476 |
5 | | Lanoszka, Tadeusz | 1137085 | POL | 1438 |