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Madrid Chess Festival

Senast uppdaterad15.06.2024 13:25:25, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACIÓN MADRILEÑA DE AJEDREZ (155)

Lista över spelare

3GMGascon Del Nogal, Jose Rafael39024632474
6GMAlvarez Pedraza, Aramis35074082452
1IMGarrido Outon, Alex245162792406
4IMOstrovskiy, Aleksandr20342392400
7GMLarino Nieto, David22564442388
5IMVega Gutierrez, Sabrina22190262368
10IMRosen, Eric20325622361
9FMOro, Faustino200001972351
8FMMartinez Reyes, Pedro Ramon39018072325
2FMRuiz Buendia, Miguel245376752304