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Campeonato Distrital de Mayores Ajedrez Clasico - Femenino - Bogota

Senast uppdaterad22.04.2024 00:12:05, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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1WIMChaucanes, Lina Marcela4402626BOG203820382038Excalibur
2Ortegon Villacorte, Linda Daniela4407113BOG192419241924Excalibur
3AFMLabrador Avendaño, Angie Jhoanna4471105BOG176917691769Club De Ajedrez Alpha Zero
4Saravia Delgadillo, Sara Sofia144424299BOG169516351695Club De Ajedrez Kallpa
5Avella Munoz, Andrea144408374BOG168916891689Club Deporte Mental
6Pedraza Aldana, Alexandra4486080BOG162716271627Universitario
7Comas Bermeo, Emilie144429371BOG160001600Kallpa
8Polania Naranjo, Laura Camila144421354BOG159715971597Club Ludika
9Alvarez Palacios, Camila Del Pilar144433441BOG154201542Kallpa
10Herrera Idarraga, Karen Alejandra144408170BOG152915291529Chaturanga Chess Club
11Ayala Delgado, Gabriela144422288BOG140001400Chaturanga Chess Club
12Gutierrez Segura, Maria Jose144437552BOG000Club Deporte Mental