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Turnamen Indomaret Fresh Paniki Manado

Last update 31.03.2024 14:47:54, Creator/Last Upload: mppindo

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Starting rank

1Aaron Mantik,INA0
2Amrafel Tendean,INA0
3Angel Kairupan,INA0
4Brave Lumunon,INA0
5Brilian Robot,INA0
6Cullen Paruntu,INA0
7Darel Mantik,INA0
8Devit Abram,INA0
9Ivander Mantik,INA0
10Joshua Angkow,INA0
11Ken Montolalu,INA0
12Miracle Frans,INA0
13Naomi Napitupulu,INA0
14Nurhafila Pontoh,INA0
15Rafi Wuner,INA0
16Keith Sigarlaki,INA0