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Women's Chess Championship 2024

Senast uppdaterad30.03.2024 16:25:45, Creator/Last Upload: Bhutan Chess Federation

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1Pema, Yangsel Dorji17500621BHU1531
2Yeshey, Lhaden17501237BHU1514
3Choden, PemaBHU0
4Choden, TsheringBHU0
5Chozin, Yamtshen RinchenBHU0
6Dema, Kinley YigzinBHU0
7Dorji, Sonam LhazeenBHU0
8Dorji, SOnam SeldonBHU0
9Ghimiray, DrishyaBHU0
10Gyeltshen, Deki ChodenBHU0
11Namgay, Dolma17500770BHU0
12Namgyal, Deki yudenBHU0
13Peldon, DechenBHU0
14Rai, Karma ChodenBHU0
15Tshokyi, Jimmey YuedenBHU0
16Wangdi, Yeshey TshomoBHU0
17Wangmo, ugyen TBHU0
18Zangmo, Vivica SonamBHU0