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Torneo Departamental U16 Fem Atlantico 2024

Darrera actualització07.04.2024 21:09:56, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1Fernandez Noriega, Adriana Sofia144404204ATL1584wQuintal
2Lopez Mass, Maria Fernanda144406762ATL1555wQuintal
3Berdugo Garcia, Gabriela3958118ATL1553wLuruaco
4Terraza Caballero, Isabel Cristina144407416ATL1543wAjedrez Baranoa
5Diaz Reyes, Luz Mariana144433328ATL1507wQuintal
6Fernandez Noriega, Shayra Maria4496299ATL1506wQuintal
7Pena Pena, Gabriela De Jesus144423667ATL1438wClub De Ajedrez MMM
8Carrillo Mauty, Andrea Sofia0ATL0wAjedrez Tubara
9Charris Velasquez, Stebany Maria0ATL0wMalam
10Escobar Del Rio, Gabriela Isabel0ATL0wAjedrez Baranoa
11Gomez Mercado, Mariana Isabel0ATL0wClub De Ajedrez MMM
12Hernandez Pacheco, Liu Teshemka0ATL0Estrellas Del Futuro
13Lara De La Hoz, Jaleisy Johana0ATL0wAjedrez Tubara
14Muriel Dominguez, Analy Sofia0ATL0Estrellas Del Futuro
15Rua De La Hoz, Liu Hanna0ATL0Estrellas Del Futuro
16Suarez Avila, Mariana Sofia0ATL0wClub De Ajedrez MMM