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With Friends and Servers of the People

Under the Auspices of the
Mayor of San Fernando

His Worship Mr. Robert Parris

City Hall Auditorium, San Fernando

F.E.M.S. RAPID It's Easter (FEMS, Member of TTCA 2011)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony05.04.2024 18:07:46, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad & Tobago Chess Association

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1FMJoseph, Marcus7700393TTO2142
2Bowles, Andrew7700237TTO1905
3Khafra, Enen-Sa-Tefa7704844TTO1764
4WCMLa Fleur, Zara7703848TTO1743
5WCMJames, Shemilah7702060TTO1696
6Primus, Prince7700725TTO1672
7Mahadeo, Amir7706367TTO1611
8AFMRajkumar, Daniel143105003TTO1570
9Siewdass, Tristan7709340TTO1558
10Martin, Athena7702280TTO1548
11Munroe-Brown, Brad7703260TTO1545
12Maharaj, Kevin7705573TTO1507
13Joseph, Sanjiv7706022TTO1500
14Manocha, Cayleigh7705727TTO1467
15Ramdial, Gabriel7709870TTO1444
16Maharaj, Kyle7707533TTO1426
17Bassant, Zac7710682TTO1412
18Ayres, CalebTTO0
19Daniel, CristinoTTO0
20Gopaul, Aditya7712677TTO0
21Morales, Roger7701780TTO0
22Norbert, LeonovTTO0
23Paul, Jesu7712090TTO0
24Paul, Zane7712103TTO0
25Ramrattan, Jacob7709935TTO0
26Singh, KasieannTTO0
27Tinnie, Aiden7708297TTO0
28Tinnie, ArianTTO0
29Vieira, Tzion7710690TTO0
30Dodoll, MattewTTO0
31ACMHumphrey, Ty7709439TTO1511
32Bramble, DereonTTO0