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2024 Metropolitan National Championships 2nd Qualifiers - Open Section Վերջին արդիացում31.03.2024 17:38:40, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | IM | Oatlhotse, Providence | 11300507 | BOT | 2211 |
2 | | FM | Rongwane, Gomolemo | 11301120 | BOT | 2021 |
3 | | CM | Gaealafshwe, Barileng | 11300310 | BOT | 2002 |
4 | | | Notha, Moakofi | 11300710 | BOT | 1989 |
5 | | | Monnaatsheko, Keletshabile | 11302941 | BOT | 1987 |
6 | | CM | Mosutha, Thuso | 11302550 | BOT | 1971 |
7 | | | Oratile, Kgotlane | 11306351 | BOT | 1962 |
8 | | CM | Mapini, Otsile | 11304553 | BOT | 1960 |
9 | | | Bayani, Kuda | 11305924 | BOT | 1960 |
10 | | | Sebetlela, Gaasite | 11318716 | BOT | 1923 |
11 | | | Phetogo, Malete | 11306874 | BOT | 1913 |
12 | | | Kesiilwe, Dragon | 11302275 | BOT | 1911 |
13 | | | Mothudi, Mogotsi Arnold | 11314184 | BOT | 1907 |
14 | | | Simon, Bokamoso | 11301546 | BOT | 1896 |
15 | | | Moagaesi, Tshepo | 11309830 | BOT | 1892 |
16 | | | Mpene, Thuto | 11313498 | BOT | 1879 |
17 | | | Kobe, Gofaone | 11313242 | BOT | 1867 |
18 | | | Selogelo, Othata | 11313870 | BOT | 1850 |
19 | | | Lesole, Pudungwane | 11301791 | BOT | 1846 |
20 | | | Sentle, Tshepang | 11314656 | BOT | 1837 |
21 | | AIM | Mokgathi, Kebonyephenyo | 11319623 | BOT | 1815 |
22 | | | Phenyo, Israel | 11319615 | BOT | 1812 |
23 | | | Kitso, Innocent Kgosietsile | 11313226 | BOT | 1779 |
24 | | | Babeo, Orison Ndiane | 11322292 | BOT | 1761 |