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1000GM Spring Scheveningen

Last update 01.04.2024 02:15:57, Creator/Last Upload: gkeener

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Starting rank list

1GMFedorowicz, JohnUSA2372
2IMJakovljevic, VladoBIH2356
3IMLapshun, YuryUSA2332
4GMRohde, MichaelUSA2318
5FMPolyik, PeterHUN2295
6FMUrhegyi, MartonHUN2258
7CMEspinosa, PedroUSA2229
8WIMMou, IrisUSA2216
9CMYoo, EugeneUSA2205
10NMZaderman, VitalyUSA2177
11NMKhodzhamkuliev, BahadurRUS2159
12IMBonin, JayUSA2154
13CMHo, CarterUSA2108
14WFMGaw, ChloeUSA2092
15NMHo, CooperUSA2004
16CMCherukuri, NiteshUSA2000
17Shangin, LevUSA1994
18NMSafranek, WilliamUSA1950