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Darrera actualització10.04.2024 17:26:46, Creador/Darrera càrrega: AN Giancarlo López

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Rànquing inicial

1Valles Aguilar, Julio Cesar81414382PER1791
2Valderrama Castel, Jeffrey Franchesco3884031PER1782
3Rucoba Tuanama, Denis3886131PER1779
4Pezo Flores, Ramiro Golber3887600PER1673
5Arevalo Tito, Diego Andre3887928PER1676
6Chavez Pezo, Giancarlo Andre3887693PER1550
7Garcia Macedo, Frederik Vincent3888010PER1527
8Murrieta Nunez, Fernando3854728PER1493
9Calla Pinedo, Carlos Fabian81406584PER1437
10Flores Pimentel, Danilo Matias81404247PER1436
11Davila Ramos, Ricardo David81404220PER0
12Davila Rivero, Lionel Caleb81439083PER0
13Del Aguila Melendez, Bruno Emiliano81439075PER0
14Garcia Macedo, Stephen3891984PER0
15Lagos Saez, Manuel Sadot81404280PER0
16Moreno Bardales, Luis Angel81423144PER1411
17Santos Noriega, Jair Kevin81439040PER0
18Tuanama Linares, Josue David81439059PER0