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Kampionati Kombetar per te Rinj 2024 - U18

Seinast dagført07.04.2024 13:40:07, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

2CMXhembulla, Aleksander4705114ALB2154KS Partizani
7Kosta, Kelvin4703855ALB1976KS Butrinti
6Dafa, Sirio4705904ALB1893KS Partizani
1Guri, Adrian4702557ALB1881SK Tirana
5Aruci, Nesar4705068ALB1812KS Vllaznia
4Lara, Hergi4705416ALB1560KS Teuta
8Bagatir, Mehmet Akif4710932ALB0SK Tirana
3Shehu, Ersi4709748ALB0KS Partizani