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Kampionati Kombetar per te Rinj 2024 - G14

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.04.2024 13:21:36, Creator/Last Upload: Albanian Chess Federation

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

2WCMCaku, Kler4704703ALB1796wKS Teuta
5Ramaj, Dea4705262ALB1698wKS Teuta
6Dobrovolska-Rakhnina, Bozhena34144242UKR1628wSHSH Albania
3Cota, Anja4703758ALB1483wKS Partizani
7Hasko, Iris4709306ALB0wSK Tirana
4Islami, Anisa4708970ALB0wKS Butrinti
1Sherollari, Noelin4707907ALB0wSK Tirana