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SCC Easter Classical Showdown 2024 Վերջին արդիացում07.04.2024 23:54:05, Creator/Last Upload: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 1)
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ |
1 | FM | Joseph, Marcus | 7700393 | TTO | 2147 | |
2 | | Lee, Hayden | 7700350 | TTO | 1885 | |
3 | CM | Sears, Frank | 7700121 | TTO | 1860 | |
4 | | Khafra, Enen-Sa-Tefa Ab | 7704844 | TTO | 1823 | |
5 | | Samuel Bisnath, Kael | 7706880 | TTO | 1750 | |
6 | | Busch, Hans-Hinrich | 16242327 | GER | 1740 | |
7 | | Siewdass, Tristan | 7709340 | TTO | 1739 | |
8 | | James, Levi | 7708726 | TTO | 1671 | |
9 | | Maynard, David | 7703716 | TTO | 1645 | |
10 | | Superville, Arthur | 7703236 | TTO | 1626 | |
11 | | Attong, Ian | 7701365 | TTO | 1615 | |
12 | | Ali, Reaz | 7712480 | TTO | 1564 | |
13 | | Gillette, Luke | 7706111 | TTO | 1557 | |
14 | | Gillette, James | 7705859 | TTO | 1513 | |
15 | | Singh, Kavira | 7705760 | TTO | 1510 | w |
16 | | Hosein, Saleem | 7707509 | TTO | 1419 | |
17 | | Mitchell, Deandre | 7711697 | TTO | 0 | |
18 | | Sookraj, Sameer | 7713363 | TTO | 0 | |