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Korea Youth Championship 2024 - U12

Last update 30.03.2024 01:29:17, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Kim, Donghan13212842KOR1705U12
2Hong, Joohyuk13213687KOR1624U12
3Park, Onyoo13216139KOR1620U12
4Lee, Ain13220110KOR1576U12
5Lee, Chase13211897KOR1575U12
6Shin, Yisoo13221442KOR1533U12
7Jeong, Seowon13223038KOR1519U12
8Kim, Hajoon13218905KOR1518U12
9ACMSon, Juwon13215698KOR1506U12
10Joo, Eram13215205KOR1504U12
11Kim, Minwoo13213580KOR1486U12
12Park, Minhyuk13215590KOR1475U12
13Ha, Jungwoo13215892KOR1445U12
14Oh, Jeongyun13214500KOR1438U12
15Ahn, Jeongyoon13215418KOR0U12
16Ahn, Taehyun13216350KOR0U12
17Baik, Kunwoo13220470KOR0U12
18Lee, Hajin13217526KOR0U12
19Lho, Yoojun13225685KOR0U12
20Lim, Siheon13217127KOR0U12
21Park, Bienhu13216848KOR0U12