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Tournoi U12-U14

Posledná aktualizácia 26.03.2024 12:29:14, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

Search for player Hladaj

Štartová listina

1Thoreux-Josso, Aaron5400716MNC1662
2To, Nam Long551059266MNC1597
3Thoreux-Josso, Ambre5400813MNC1523
4Kriuchkov, Nikita5401321MNC1500
5Lea, Melissa652058930MNC1465
6Dinoni Attali, Myriam5400996MNC1411
7Karpov, Gregory5401658MNC1411
8Pecoraro, Jan652032833FRA1411
9Forgione, Alexander5401151MNC1399
10Cassinelli, Pietro5402352MNC1199
11Illi, Aaron5402069MNC1150
12Albekov, Artur5402328MNC999
13Argi, William5402182MNC999
14Benedetti, Aaron5402786MNC999
15Benner, Amali5402301MNC999
16Cassinelli, Arturo5402344MNC999
17Matrosov, Renat5402174MNC999
18Pezzimetti, Alexander5401496MNC999
19Strachnov, Mark5402018MNC999
20Albekov, Robert5402336MNC799
21Dekman, Denis James5402042MNC799