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Korea Youth Championship 2024 - U08 (Boys & Girls)

Last update 30.03.2024 01:29:00, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1ACMMeiyazhagan, Kaviinayan366109475KOR1585U08
2Lee, Jeongwoo B13220853KOR1528U08
3Joi, Woojoo13219782KOR1514U08
4Lee, Ruha13219960KOR1448U08
5Choi, Jungwoon13221140KOR0U08
6Ha, Sunwoo13219936KOR0wG08
7Jung, Hajun13223615KOR0U08
8Kim, Choi13220896KOR0wG08
9Kim, Doyun A13226088KOR0U08
10Kim, Jaeha13219790KOR0U08
11Kim, Ria13223046KOR0wG08
12Kim, Rian B13222872KOR0U08
13Kim, Yeonseo13220020KOR0wG08
14Kim, Yunho A13225863KOR0U08
15Kwak, Joohwan13220977KOR0U08
16Kyeong, Soohyun13226061KOR0U08
17Lee, David J13225790KOR0U08
18Lee, Jinwoo A13224433KOR0U08
19Lee, Jisung13220454KOR0U08
20Lee, Seunghyun A13225758KOR0U08
21Lee, Yoonjae A13225723KOR0U08
22Park, Dowon13223909KOR0U08
23Seol, Youngjun13220128KOR0U08
24Seol, Yunseo13220438KOR0wG08
25Shin, Hyeonseo13220870KOR0U08
26Yeo, Seungjun13225510KOR0U08