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Korea Youth Championship 2024 - U14

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony30.03.2024 01:29:32, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1Huh, Isaak13209590KOR2000U14
2ACMYun, Hungi13210670KOR1924U14
3Kim, Kunhoo Alexander13209000KOR1732U14
4ACMLee, Eoram13214535KOR1657U14
5Kim, Junho C382104398KOR1656U14
6Chung, Junhyeon13211790KOR1626U14
7Kim, Yejun13215760KOR1615U14
8Cho, Junseo13223534KOR1600U14
9Kim, Yegeon13219022KOR1562U14
10Byun, Junseok13223100KOR1559U14
11Noh, Woobin13211978KOR1539U14
12Han, Seunghyeon13216392KOR1524U14
13Song, Haeseong13211030KOR1521U14
14Lee, Jihoon13213776KOR1491U14
15Park, Jihoon B13219820KOR1486U14
16Kim, Eunho13225570KOR0U14
17Lho, Shinyoung13225545KOR0U14
18Moon, Sunwoong13226347KOR0U14
19Oh, David Yoongeun39937364KOR0U14
20Yu, Shiwoon13223437KOR0U14