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Korea Youth Championship 2024 - U16 & U18

Senast uppdaterad30.03.2024 01:29:41, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1ACMKim, Andrey13751794KOR1834U16
2Noh, Jinwoo13211307KOR1729U18
3Kim, Joon13203215KOR1631U18
4Kim, Yubin B13221256KOR1629U16
5Jung, Jinuk13207954KOR1594U18
6Park, Kokun13222864KOR1588U16
7Kim, Taehyeon13204459KOR1564U18
8Pak, Pavel13223852KOR1546U16
9Kim, Minjun C13206788KOR1525U16
10Ha, Yoonsoo13208152KOR1524U16
11Choi, Hyunmin13225634KOR0U18
12Kim, Doun13226070KOR0U16
13Lee, Woosung13207946KOR1804U16
14Park, Bienyoon13225839KOR0U16