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Step-up Chess Tournament 2024 May Open ステップアップ

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony19.05.2024 12:20:07, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Lista startowa

1Chung Jason1522
2Sharma Sameer1356
3Noda Ryo1329
4Hattori Gimpei1215
5Sato Hiroyasu1191
6Nishida Eito1132
7Gao Jonathan1122
8Okabe Yuki1101
9Seino Akifumi1084
10Ta Viet Phong1082
11Berends Gijs1039
12Maeda Kotaro1030
13Abe Hiroki989
14Suzuki Kafu985
15Frey David906
16Bekku Hayato0
17David Leopold0
18Ise Shota0
19Kai Hyuga0
20Kanazawa Shuya0
21Kusuma Jovan0
22Ohata Naoki0
23Vicentini Alberto0