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An event organised by Police Club, Maldies Police Service, Iskandharu Koshi, Ameenee Magu, Malé, Maldives

Police Club Ramazan Chess Tournament 1445

Last update 24.03.2024 20:11:05, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Abdul Salaam Luthufee,MDV0
2Abdulla Mohamed,MDV0
3Abdulla Sinan,MDV0
4Adam Nadheem,MDV0
5Adam Naseer,MDV0
6Adam Shareef,MDV0
7Ahmed Aboobakuru,MDV0
8Ahmed Hameed,MDV0
9Ahmed Hanafee,MDV0
10Ahmed Shamoon,MDV0
11Ali Junaidh,MDV0
12Ali Moonis,MDV0
13Hassan Visham,MDV0
14Hussain Nazir,MDV0
15Hussain Shifaz,MDV0
16Ismail Abdul Shukoor,MDV0
17Jadhulla Ibrahim Manik,MDV0
18Mohamed Niyaz,MDV0
19Mohamed Waheed,MDV0
20Zaidhulla Mohamed,MDV0