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Players born between 1st September 2009 and 31st August 2011

U14 East of Scotland Megafinal 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony24.03.2024 15:13:42, Creator/Last Upload: Lothian Junior Chess

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Lista startowa

1Raghuram Parasur1405
2Srinivas Rath1397
3Aniruddha Vishwanath1319
4Raghav Palanivel1261
5Joseph Zhao1198
6Alexander Malham1139
7Sai Mallick1119
8Angharad Hunt1109w
9Drisith Palaniswamy1075
10Sahana Chakraborty1054w
11Shriya Madhu1034w
12Kyriakos McKenzie1007
13Sanjay Dinesh Kumar997
14Euan Bell961
15Jiayi Fan794
16Jack Gerardot761
17Coral Cresswell753w
18Ross Warcup744
19Tom Aitken627
20Jeric Peter Kiran599
21William Petrick578
22Thomas Wakulicz562
23Max Scott542
24Zach Patel500
25Daniel Kemp450
26Felix Stark266
27Gregor Jones0
28Hugo Kazlauskas0
29Lachlan Barry0
30Ronen Abramson0
31Toby Marcham0