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2024 쥬니어 그랑프리 - S1

Senast uppdaterad24.03.2024 09:53:29, Creator/Last Upload: Korea Chess Federation

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1PARK, Seonjae132137681809EPA
2LEE, Jiwoo A132128771730U12EPA
3KIM, Kunhoo Alexander132090001635LSH
4KIM, Minjun D132128851609U12EPA
5KIM, Yegeon132190221605EPA
6LEE, Juhwan132238871594퀸즈클럽
7MEIYAZHAGAN, Kaviinayan3661094751588U08LSH
8YIM, Jemin132214691578퀸즈클럽
9JANG, Seojun132165201546U10LSH
10KIM, Minwoo132135801536U12위즈클럽
11KIM, Nayoon B132151831531wU10EPA
12LEE, Yule132203901517U12플레이웰
13MOON, Heesung132216391504퀸즈클럽
14KIM, Doyeon B132144201498wU12위즈클럽
15LEE, Jonghyun132124351495EPA
16LEE, Jian B132178361472wEPA
17PARK, Juho132145941471U10EPA
18KIM, Jaeha132197901456U08EPA
19JANG, Yunseo132165381449wLSH
20NOH, Woobin132119781441플레이웰
21LEE, Jeongjun B132168211435U10EPA
22SON, Yuseong132198981402U10EPA
23AHN, Junmin132240180U10LSH
24HWANG, Seungha132248750EPA
25JANG, Geonho132231190위즈클럽
26KIM, Seojoong132210600U08EPA
27KOO, Doyoon132218500wEPA
28LEE, Donggeon132229530U10EPA
29LEE, Jun Myeong132237630U10EPA
30SEOL, Youngjun132201280U08플레이웰
31SYN, Jonghyun132183870U10EPA
32YANG, Heewook132229450U08EPA