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Last update 23.03.2024 19:07:20, Creator/Last Upload: PAULO CESAR VIEIRA

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Starting rank

1De Moura, Fabio BianchiBRA1975Serra
2Alves, Alessandro Da CunhaBRA1949Vila Velha
3Vieira, Paulo CesarBRA1943Serra
4Brito, Gabriel YuriBRA1890Serra
5Andrade, Joao Rodolfo BergerBRA1889Vitoria
6Andrade, Jociel CavalcanteBRA1848Vitoria
7Brito, GuilhermeBRA1810Serra
8Barbosa, Henrique LovattiBRA1800Cariacica
9Chaves, Thales AlexandreBRA1795Vitoria
10Baldi, Samuel BeloBRA1400
11Coelho, Joao do ValeBRA1400
12Da Rocha, Eder FernandesBRA1400
13De Almeida, Sergio RibeiroBRA1400
14Dias, Eniflan botelhiBRA1400
15Do Espirito Santo, Diego SouzaBRA1400
16Dos Santos, Tarcio AraujoBRA1400
17Gomes, Lucas Moraes Palassi VicenteBRA1400
18Lessa, Joao Paulo da RochaBRA1400
19Rosas, Rodrigo RosenfeldBRA1400
20Silva, Francisco Carlos SousaBRA1400