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Regional juegos escolares varonil

Last update 21.03.2024 18:41:53, Creator/Last Upload: Education license (until 31.12.2023)

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Starting rank

1Estrada Cadena, Jesus FidelMex1200
2Santos Delgado, JericoMex1180
3Maldonado Hernandez, Alex GadielMex1170
4Ovalle Alfaro, Gael EmmanuelMex1160
5Ramirez Esquivel, Alonso HeribertoMex1150
6Ramirez Garcia, Carlos HumbertoMex1140
7Campos Menchaca, Alan FernandoMex1130
8Leza Mata, Leonardo Danielmex1110
9Martinez Mezta, Jose DanielMex1110
10Villarreal Davila, Juan Abelmex1100