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Swieqi Chess League - Division 1 - 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony23.10.2024 16:46:13, Creator/Last Upload: Malta Chess Federation

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

1CMPace, Colin5600189MLT2190
2Farah, Alberto2894942MLT1939
3Pala, Onurcan6363318MLT1891
4Fong, Kenny3260097AUS1861
5ACMPsaila, Mario5600731MLT1840
6Rovatti, Paolo808725ITA1815
7Saliba, Luke5600480MLT1811
8Richards, John5600030MLT1792
10CMSammut, Ron5600260MLT1725
12Oral, Kaan Emre6335420TUR1724
9Refalo, Ian5601118MLT1724
11Lukin, Vladimir55607900MLT1721
13Zangrilli, Leonardo5603080MLT1598