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Last update 17.03.2024 18:02:52, Creator/Last Upload: Edén López Martínez

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Starting rank

1FMDavalos Prieto, Abel Justo5102766MEX1992Chiapas
2Del Carpio Gallegos, Gonzalo5180210MEX1825Ciudad De Mexico
3Moreno, Samayoa Hector IvanMEX1309Chiapas
4Toledo, Velazquez Carlos AdielMEX1225Chiapas
5Aguilar, Zea Joel AlejandroMEX1177
6Garrido, Tipacamu GabrielMEX1176Chiapas
7Morales, Aleman Carlos IarhiniMEX1172Chiapas
8Nucamendi, Ovando Gabriel AMEX1024Chiapas
9Grajales Garcia, Perla del RocioMEX0
10Rodriguez Cotta, ErvinMEX0
11Zebadua Castillo, Rafael MaximilianoMEX0